Theory of Mind in Education Lab

Welcome to the Theory of Mind in Education (TOME) Lab. We are a team of researchers, educators, and students interested in the development of young people’s Theory of Mind (ToM) or the ability to understand other people’s thoughts and emotions.

New Online Study for 2023-2024
ToM, Kindness, and Well-being Study

What does being kind mean to you? Is it important to you – why?

Some reasons to be kind are helpful, but some reasons may not be that helpful. With the increase in on-line activities, teens are engaging in kind acts on-line and in-person. How does acting kind to self and others help young people to function in school and their everyday life?

We want to learn more about what teens think about kindness, how do they act kind – to whom and why? If you have a child between 11 and 18 years old, and would like to help us learn more about what children and teens think about kindness, sign-up for our online study on what young people think and feel about being kind to themselves and others.

For more information or to sign-up for the study, please contact us at

This study has been reviewed and received ethics clearance through Brock University’s Office of Research Ethics (REB #22-319).

More information for parents

Please view our poster for details.

Listen to Professor Sandra Bosacki speak about Random Acts of Kindness Day 2024 on YourTV Niagara.

About Theory of Mind

Theory of Mind is a tool to help us to learn how to make sense of our social and emotional worlds and why people do what they do. This skill is important for young people as it can help them to manage their emotions, relationships, and to learn self-control within the classroom. Our research projects include children and adolescents between the ages of four and eighteen, their parents, and teachers.

We are committed to learning more about the social and emotional development of children and adolescents. We invite you to explore our webpage and to join us on our learning journey.

Thanks to all our previous participants and we invite you to view our current Newsletter listed in our menu!