2010-2011 Undergraduate Calendar

Course Description

Course Name and Number * PSYC 3P77
Course Title Social Development
Cross-listing Information (also offered as CHYS 3P77)
Course Description Social competence, aggression, friendship and other topics in social development from a variety of developmental perspectives. Methodological and intervention issues relevant to the study of social development.
Course Format Lectures, seminar, 3 hours per week.
Course Restriction Restriction: open to PSYC (single or combined), CHYS (single or combined), CHYS BA (Honours)/BEd (Primary/Junior) and CHYS BA (Pass)/Bed majors until date specified in Registration guide. Students must have a minimum of 8.0 overall credits or 3.0 PSYC credits above PSYC 1F90.
Course Prerequisite Prerequisite: PSYC 2P12 (2F12), CHYS 2F10 or permission of the instructor. (note that ";" indicates "and")
Course Note Note: students may not concurrently register in CHYS 3P24.
Course Exclusion Completion of this course will replace previous assigned grade and credit obtained in CHYS 3P24 and PSYC (CHYS) 3Q94.


Course Numbering

              departmental code
      credit value
        D 1.50 credits (Pre-service Education)
        F 1.00 credit
        G 1.00 credit
        L 2.00 credits (Teacher Education)
        M 1.00 credit (multiple topics)
        N 0.00 credit
        P 0.50 credit
        Q 0.50 credit
        R 0.50 credit
        V 0.50 credit (variable topics)
        Y 0.25 credit
        Z 5.00 credit
    course year level*
      1 year 1
      2 year 2
      3 year 3
      4 year 4
      5 graduate studies
      7 Doctoral Studies; Concordia Seminary
      8 teacher education
      9 in-service

* courses numbered 2(alpha)90-2(alpha)99 may be used as either a year 2 credit or year 3 credit and courses numbered 3(alpha)90-3(alpha)99 may be used as either a year 3 credit or a year 4 credit.


Course Title Abbreviations

ABST Aboriginal Studies
ACTG Accounting
ADED Adult Education
ADMI Administration
AESL Academic English as a Subsequent Language
APCO Applied Computing
ARAB Arabic
ASTR Astronomy
BCHM Biochemistry
BIOL Biology
BPHY Biophysics
BTEC Biotechnology
CANA Canadian Studies
CHEM Chemistry
CHSC Community Health Sciences
CHYS Child and Youth Studies
CLAS Classics
COMM Communication Studies
COSC Computer Science
DART Dramatic Arts
ECON Economics
EDUC Education
ENGL English
ENTR Entrepreneurship
ERSC Earth Sciences
ESCI Science
ETHC Ethics
FNCE Finance
FREN French
GEOG Geography
GERM German
GREE Greek
HIST History
IASC Interactive Arts and Science
INTC Intercultural Studies
ITAL Italian
ITIS Information Technology Information Systems
JAPA Japanese
LABR Labour Studies
LART Liberal Arts
LATI Latin
LING Linguistics
MAND Mandarin
MARS Medieval and Renaissance Studies
MATH Mathematics
MGMT Management
MKTG Marketing
MLLC Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures
MUSI Music
NEUR Neuroscience
NUSC Nursing
OBHR Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources
OEVI Oenology and Viticulture
OPER Operations Management
PCUL Popular Culture
PEKN Physical Education and Kinesiology
PHIL Philosophy
PHYS Physics
POLI Political Science
PORT Portuguese
PSYC Psychology
RECL Recreation and Leisure Studies
RUSS Russian
SCIE Science
SOCI Sociology
SPAN Spanish
SPMA Sport Management
STAC Studies in Arts and Culture
SWAH Swahili
TREN Tourism and Environment
VISA Visual Arts
WISE Women's Studies
WRIT Writing
Last updated: March 6, 2012 @ 10:39AM