Niagarabuzz of WeChat Interviews BioLinc

Startup at BioLinc! Want to startup a business and immigrate to Canada? Niagara Region’s BioLinc might become your one-stop shopping center.

Dan Lynch, Manager of BioLinc
Cassie Price, BioLinc Coordinator

Interviewer: Chris & Nancy from Niagarabuzz of WeChat


It is our pleasure today to have Dan, manager of BioLinc, and Cassie, coordinator at BioLinc for a short interview. The purpose of this interview is to share some information about BioLinc to our both local and international Chinese entrepreneurs and investors, through our Niagarabuzz of WeChat media platform. We wish that this report could provide some useful information regarding startup businesses and related immigration policy in Canada.

Chris: Hi Dan and Cassie! It’s our pleasure to have a conversation with both of you about BioLinc. We’d like to know more details about BioLinc, later on we’ll write an article about what we’ve learnt and publish it through our Niagarabuzz of WeChat media platform. The main audience of this article would be the Chinese population residing in Niagara Region, and also those who’re interested in coming over.

Dan: That sounds good! We’re excited for such a platform that connects the Chinese community so that our messages can be delivered to them!

Chris: We’ll help you do that then.  Also, we’ll be recording the conversation in case we miss any important notes, so that we can recover from it later. Is that okay?

Dan: No problem.

Chris: All right. So let’s get started. Can you briefly explain to us what is the BioLinc incubator and its history?

Dan: Well.. BioLinc is part of Goodman School of Business at Brock University. It formally started operation in September 2013. Before that, it was more like a virtual incubator, which helped student entrepreneurs by providing mentorship and business connections. Now, it’s located at Cairns Complex. In real terms, it has 5,000 square feet, which consists of private offices, shared spaces, wet labs, laboratories, a design and prototyping lab, a kitchen and a conference room. Although BioLinc has a focus on Applied Health and Bioscience technologies, but we also encourage student entrepreneurs with other innovative business ideas.

Cassie: In addition to what Dan has said, we also host a program called Kickstarting Entrepreneur Program. The workshops range from marketing, finance, accounting, legal, business analytics and etc. It’s open to youth entrepreneurs between 18 to 29 years old in the Niagara Region. They don’t have to be a Brock students specifically, as long as they live in Niagara (or committed to Niagara, added by Dan), they’ll be qualified.

Dan: Informally, BioLinc can be considered as a “soft landing” place for international students or immigrants. Through BioLinc’s network, you’re able to learn about the culture and market of Niagara Region, Ontario, Canada, and even North America. Formally, Canadian Immigration Center has a specific immigration stream called Startup Visa. There are three sub-categories to that. 1. You have to get certain amount of funding for your project from a certified Canadian venture capital firm. 2. You have to get certain amount of funding for your project from a certified Canadian angel investment firm. 3. Your project has to be accepted and supported by one of certified Canadian business Incubators.

Chris: So BioLinc is already one of the certified business incubators for this immigration program?

Dan: Yes. We’re one of a few certified incubators. Under the umbrella of Innovate Niagara, we can assist international entrepreneur to startup their business while helping them to get their permanent residency to Canada.

Chris: That sounds great! We’ll dig deeper into the startup visa program next time. So are there any success stories that BioLinc has made?

Dan: BioLinc is still so called “starting up” itself, since September 2013, from a graduation point of view, it hasn’t graduated yet. So far, BioLinc has successfully incubated Trivium Industires, a biodegradable plastic bottle manufacturing company. It has a patent that uses PLA materials and will be biodegraded within six months. Besides, it also provides all sorts of packaging solutions. Other than that, there’s a beverage coffee grinding company spin out of BioLinc, Internet based startups Cross Border Housing and SmartPay, which aim to provide off-campus housing and currency exchange services to international students respectively. There are currently 150 student entrepreneurs, 12 researchers from Brock, 12 professors currently working with BioLinc; and the numbers are still growing.

Chris: I’m just curious, the founder of Trivium Industries, David, was a business graduate, how did he get into an industrial sector without relevant knowledge?

Dan: Again, it’s all about collaboration. BioLinc connects people of different talents. In David’s case, we connected him with a professor at Brock and co-patented the product. One knows the technology; one knows how to run a business, that’s how he founded the company.

Chris: Now I see. So how can BioLinc help our Chinese entrepreneurs or business owners?

Dan: Well, I feel the collaboration model would be the most beneficial to Chinese entrepreneurs and business owners too! From the concept of “soft landing”, BioLinc can provide Chinese entrepreneurs access to people, location, equipment, marketing information, capital, and all other sorts of resources. For business owners, BioLinc could provide relevant connections, for example, one company has a product and needs a packaging service, and BioLinc could help find one.

Chris: So BioLinc is working as a platform connecting different resources right?

Dan: Yes, our mission is three Cs – “Connect, Collaborate, Commercialize”. In addition to that, we wish to add another “C”, which is China to make it four Cs.

Chris: That’s what we want too! You know, sometime people feel like communication is a barrier to starting up a business, how do you see this?

Dan: Yes, it is a challenge. There’re two sides of it. First is culture. You have to find a way to translate the content from the culture aspect. Second is technology, which is universal. Beginning with language barrier, access to personnel for language assistance would be a great way to solve it. And Chinese students at Brock University would make it a good talent pool for such needs; just have to make sure the right team is in place.

Chris: “If I don’t have money to start up a company”, can BioLinc give me some money?

Dan: Technically, we are a networking organization, not a funding organization. However, if money is critical to move the project forward, we’ll connect with different levels of funding resources including government, angel investment, venture capitalist, and individual investor to assist in the fundraising process. What we normally do is to use leverage. Say you have x amount of investment, we’ll try to match you with another x or 2x to move the project forward, all depends on what’s needed at that phase.

Chris: I understand, so money isn’t a big problem. “I don’t have lots of connections, it’s hard for me to startup a business”, how do you solve this issue?

Dan: BioLinc has very strong network connections. We’re partnering with many researchers, regulators, private sectors, and manufacturers. You can work through our connections to find solutions to your problem. Moreover, at BioLinc, we host networking events such as our annual BioLincUp where you can meet many professionals across different industries. Also, Innovate Niagara hosts many networking events. Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce has “Business after five” which serves the same purpose. There are a lot of opportunities for mingling and mixing and you can slightly build up your connections through these great events. And you can keep an eye on the updates from Niagarabuzz of WeChat for networking events we’re going to host.

Chris: That sounds interesting. We’re approaching the end of our interview. Can you leave a welcome message for our Chinese community in Niagara Region at the end?

Dan: BioLinc is not limited to bioscience, but focusing on all innovative opportunities. We welcome all Chinese students, entrepreneurs, and investors come and have a tour at BioLinc. With Goodman School of Business doing so much in China, we’re all part of that.

Chris: Thank you for your time.


总经理Dan Lynch
日常负责人Cassie Price








凯茜补充:在此基础上,我们还有一套针对于青年创业者的培训课程(Kickstarting Entrepreneur Program),这套培训课程主要是鼓励和培养青年创业者,只要你是18-29岁之间的尼亚加拉住民(不需要是加拿大国籍或永久居民,只要居住在这边并愿意在这边创业的)都可以申请这套免费的培训课程。课程一般从每年的9月开始持续到下年的3月。其中包括实用的财务,市场,产品设计,法律,数据分析等多方面创业必备知识的教程。对于没有太多经验来讲的学生想要创业是非常有帮助的。

丹:从非正式的角度来看,BioLinc对于国际生/移民来说可以是一个“软着陆”点,通过BioLinc可以了解尼亚加拉地区,安大略省,加拿大,以致北美的文化和市场。从正式的角度来讲,有兴趣的中国的朋友也可以通过加拿大政府新推出的创业移民项目(Startup Visa)来申请加拿大的永久居留权。这个创业移民分成三种:第一种是项目获得加拿大官方认可的风险投资机构注资;第二种是项目获得加拿大官方认可的天使投资机构注资;第三种就是通过项目被加拿大指定创业孵化器接受并提供扶持,这个时候BioLinc作为其中被认可的创业孵化机构之一便可以成为创业移民的一个渠道。


丹:是的,我们是为数不多的几个官方认定的创业孵化机构。在隶属于Innovate Niagara的分支中,我们可以协助通过国际性投资创业性质的人们获得加拿大的永久居留权。


丹:说起来BioLinc也在自己的“创业期”,从2013年9月开始,算是离本科毕业也还有两年时间呢(笑)。不过目前来说,BioLinc比较成功的案例有Trivium Industries,是一家由BioLinc孵化出的一家有发明专利权的可降解塑料瓶生产商,这种塑料瓶采用PLA原料,完全可以在6个月内自动分解,除此以外,这家公司还提供其他各种产品包装服务。其他的成果还有一家生产咖啡饮料的公司,互联网类的公司有Cross Border Housing主要为国际留学生提供寻找住宿的平台,SmartPay为国际留学生提供团购换汇服务,还有其他10几家正在创业的团队。

小编:有个问题想额外问一下,为什么Trivium Industries的创始人David是个商科毕业生,最后却进入了化工产业呢











丹:BioLinc的关系网还是很强大的,可以完全通过接通我们的人脉网络,包括很多研究机构,监管机构,各级生产商都是我们的合作伙伴。除此以外我们每年还会组织多个社交活动(Networking Event),比如BioLincUp,同时也与Innovate Niagara孵化中心合作举办社交活动,商会也会有“傍晚生意”(Business After Five)这样的酒会,所以可以给你带来很多的人脉交流机会。这些信息可以在BioLinc的官网上获得,或者回头也可以从你们的蜜蜂快讯平台发布让大家第一时间获悉这些活动消息。



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