On Thursday, July 10th, also known as Tesla’s birthday, I had the opportunity to attend “Tesla Mania” an event focused on Tesla’s inventions and their possible “healing” effects. The event was held in Toronto and consisted of an expo, a presentation and video portion. There were also two companies that attended the expo with a product or service. One focused on reducing the amount of microwave radiation that came from your household electronics. The other focused on therapeutic treatment with electromagnets. One other booth had a man dressed from the 1800s selling antique “static electricity healers”.

All I have to say is, be an informed buyer. I truly do understand the importance of being scientifically literate. There was a company that was selling a device that treated your water with “electromagnetism, a whirlpool and photons”, which was a stir plate with flashing LEDs and a beaker of water with a stir bar at the bottom. But who would have known, right? Just like, who would have understood their video about quantum physics and the Higgs Boson and the Hadron Collider and photons and electrons and all the scientific words they used; not the general public, that is for sure. Some of the ties they made were a little far stretched like, comparing the Hadron Collider to the Milky Way Galaxy to crop circles in England all the way to the design of Tesla’s Coil.

I also learned not to send a businessman to do a scientists work. The sad part about this event was that there is validity to electromagnets and their effects on the human body.  Yet unfortunately, not once was a peer-reviewed article referenced, nor a scientific journal, nor a specific study, nor were there stats listed.

Despite the errors in explaining and their lack of scientific evidence, I believe there are effects (healing or not, I’m not sure) on the human body from magnetic fields as I have researched this topic before and actually read studies that agree with this statement.

Probably their most profound statement, which should have probably been stated as a hypothesis seeing as though there is no evidence for it, brought up the idea that us humans have evolved and adapted to changes on Earth for millions of years with only the Earth’s magnetic field effecting us and now with all of this new technology we are being exposed to so much radiation and different magnetic fields that our bodies are not used to. And this is the reason why some people are getting sick, and some have developed a sensitivity to electronics, etc.

And this is what I was left to ponder on…

Ethan Foy
BioLinc Ambassador

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