Thaddeus Peter Thomas

A. N. Marquis Co.

Thomas, Thaddeus Peter, college prof.; b. Russell Co., Va; May 19, 1867; s. Thaddeus Peter and Sarah (Price) T.; brother of William Isaac T. (q.v.); A. B. U. of Tenn., 1885, A.M. 1887, Vanderbilt U., 1890-92; Ph.D., Johns Hopkins, 1895; m. Anna Denison Andrews, of Baltimore, June 5., 1902. Taught pub.schs. Knoxville. Tenn. 1885-88, high sch., Union City, Tenn., Banderbilt U.,m 1891; instr., 1892-95, associate prof. History and sociology 1895-99, prof.,1899-1904, economics and sociology since 1904, Goucher Coll., Baltimore. Wrote monographs on City Government of Baltimore, 1896, and on Social Information, 1904; contr. To mags. Home: Roland and Melrose Ave., Baltimore, Md.


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