Julius Rosenwald

A. N. Marquis Co.

Rosenwald, Julius, merchant, philanthropist; b. Springfield, Ill., Aug. 12, 1862; s. Samuel and Augusta (Hammerslough) R.; pub. sch. edn., Springfield; m. Augusta Nusbaum, Apr. 8, 1890 (died 1929); m. 2d. Mrs. Adelaide Rau Goodkind, Jan. 8., 1930. With Hammerslough Brothers, wholesale clothing, New York, 1879-85; pres. Rosenwald & Weil, Chicago, 1885-1906; v. p. and treas. 1896-1910, pres. 1910-25, later chmn. of Bd., Sears, Roebuck & Co. Apptd. by Pres. Wilson, 1916, Advisory Commn. of Council of National Defense and chmn. com. on supplies; spl. mission in France for sec. of war, 1918; mem. 2d Nat. Indsl Conf., 1919. Generous contbtr. of time and money to civic, philanthropic and ednl. enterprises; stimulated constrn and contributed part (about $600,000) of total cost of twenty-five Y.M.C.A. and three Y.W.C.A. buildings in twenty-five cities with about 2,000.000 Negro population; contributed $3,660,000 thereby stimulating constrn., at a total cost of $23,200,000, of 4,500 Negro rural public schools with capacity of 567,000 pupils and 12,600 teachers in the South, 339 of these build in 1929; donated $2,700,000 toward model housing project for Negroes in Chicago; pledged $3,000,000 for a Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago; pledge total of 6,000,000 for Jewish Colonization in Russia; contributed approximately $5,000,000 to U. of Chicago; established in 1917 Julius Rosenwald Fund with capital of $30,000,000 as of June 30, 1929, with chartered purpose, "the well-being of mankind,"  Hon. pres. Jewish Charities of Chicago; chairman, Chicago Bureau of Public Efficiency; mem. executive committee Chicago Plan Commission; vice pres. Sinai Congregation (Chicago), Am. Jewish Com. (New York); trustee Rockefeller Foundation; Art Inst. Chicago, Tuskeegee Inst., U. of Chicago, Hull House, Baron de Hirsch Fund. Home: Chicago Ill. Died Jan. 6. 1932.


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