Gordon Willard Allport

A. N. Marquis Co.

Allport, Gordon Willard, psychologist, b. Montezuma, Ind., Nov. 11 1897; s. John Edward and Nellie Edith (Wise) A.; A. B., Harvard 1919; A. M. 1921, Ph.D. 1922; grad work U. of Berlin and U of Hamburg, 1922-23, Cambridge U., 1923-24; L.H.D. (hon), Boston U., 1958; Ohio Wesleyan U., 1962; D.Sc., Colby Coll., 1964; D. Litt., (hon.) Durham U. (Eng.), 1965; m. Ada Lufkin Gould, June 30, 1925; 1 son, Robert Bradlee. Instr. in English, Robert Coll., Istanbul, Turkey, 1919-20; instr. in social ethics, Harvard U., 1924-26; asst. prof in psychology, Dartmouth Coll., 1926-30; asst. prof. Harvard U., 1930-36, asso. prof., 1937, prof. psychology since 1942. Mem. S.A.T.C. Past mem. nat com. for UNESCO. Pres. Edn . Exchange Greater Boston; Past Dir. Nat. Opinion Research Center; past mem. Social Sci. Research and Nat. Research Councils. Recipient Gold Medal award Am. Psychol. Foundation, 1963; Hon. fellow Brit. Psychol. Soc.; hon. mem. Spanish, Italian psychological societies, Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Psychologie, Osterreichische Arztegesellschaft fur Psychotherapie; mem. Am. (mem. council 1936-38, pres. 1939), Eastern (pres. 1943) psychol. assns., Phi Beta Kappa. Episcopalian. Clubs: Faculty, Harvard of N.Y. Author: Studies in Expressive Movement (with P.E. Vernon), 1933; The Psychology of Radio (with H. Cantril), 1935; Trait-Names: A Psycho-lexical study (with H. S. Odbert), 1936; Personality --- A psychological interpretation, 1937; Psychology of Rumor (with L. Postman), 1947; The Individual and His Religion, 1950; The Nature of Personality, 1950; The Nature of Prejudice, 1954; Becoming: Basic Considerations for a Psychology of Personality, 1955; Personality and Social Encounter, 1960; Pattern and Growth of Personality, 1961; Letters from Jenny, 1965. Editor Jour. Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1937-1949. Home: 386 School St., Watertown 72, Mass. Office: Harvard U., Cambridge Mass. Died Oct 1967.


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