New York Times

Mails Shut to Publication Said to Have Violated Espionage Law.

Special to the New York Times

CHICAGO, July 6. — The Federal government has barred the use of the mails to The American Socialist, a paper published here. The issue of June 30 was held up by the postal authorities in Chicago pending investigation by the Solicitor General of the Postoffice Department at Washington.

Part of the complaint of the Federal authorities is said to be based on an advertisement of a leaflet entitled, "The Price We Pay," which was carried in an early edition. The paper is said to have come in conflict with provisions of the espionage law.

As a result of holding up the edition, a committee consisting of Clarence Darrow, and Seymour Stedman of Chicago, Frank P. Walsh of Kansas City, and Morris Hillquit of New York will go to Washington to protest against further suppression of the paper.


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