New York Times

Chicago Suffrage Split?
Congressional Union Leaders Not Invited to a Suffrage Dinner
Special to the New York Times 

CHICAGO, May 31. -- Leading women suffragists are contemplating ignoring the Women's Congressional Union on the eve of the opening of the Woman's Suffrage Convention in this city on Monday.

This became public today with the issuance of a "blue book" containing the names of the 125 representative woman's suffrage women of America who are to be the guests at dinner Tuesday of Mrs. Cyrus H. McCormick at her mansion, 50 East Huron Street. Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont of New York and other prominent members of the congressional convention are not invited, but the entire executive board of the National American Women's Suffrage Association is. The list was made up by Mrs. Stanley McCormick, Mrs. James W. Morrison (both of whom are in the executive board) and Mrs. Cyrus Hall McCormick.

The hostess of the party announced that the invitations had not been restricted to any branch of the suffrage movement, and that the list was representative of suffrage's best without regard to factional affiliations.


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