Chicago Tribune

Disagree with Hutchins on Appointments

Prof. George H. Mead, chairman of the department of philosophy at the University of Chicago, and two other members of that department have submitted their resignations to President Hutchins and will assume similar posts at eastern universities when they have fulfilled their present appointments here.

This information was verified by sources close to the university administration yesterday when the resignations of the three professors became a subject of discussion among the students. The others are Prof. Edwin A. Burtt and Prof. Arthur E. Murphy.

Dr. Mead to Columbia.

Dr. Mead will become professor of philosophy at Columbia University, Dr. Burtt will take a similar position at Cornell university, and Prof. Murphy is to go to Brown university.

Dr. Mead is in the St. Luke’s hospital recovering from a slight illness. In his absence Dr. Burtt said that a paper describing the reasons for their resignations had been placed in the care of Prof. Ronald S. Crane of the English Department, who heads a committee which has been reviewing the disagreement out of which the resignations grew.

Differ on Appointments, Report.

While the professors would not discuss those reasons, it was learned that a difference of opinion arose between President Hutchins and Dr. Mead and his associates over appointments to fill vacancies in the department of philosophy.

Dr. Mead is 68 years old and has passed the age of retirement from service at the University of Chicago. He has been a member of the philosophy department there for 24 years.

Dr. Burtt came to the university in 1923. Prof. Murphy has been a member of the department for two years.


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