Chicago Tribune

Captain Anderson Takes Charge; Summons Officials for Conference.

Federal, county and city law enforcement officials are to be called together, probably Friday, in the federal building to discuss matters relating to the Chicago vice and liquor situation as it affects the enlisted men of the army and navy.

This was announced last night by Col. George J. Anderson of the law enforcement division of the war department commission on training camp activities. Capt. Anderson was sent to Chicago by the war department to study the vice situation, and according to Washington dispatches received last night, he also will represent the navy department in place of Lieut. Col. Charles P. Hatch, U. S. M. C., the "cleanup" expert whom Secretary Daniels had planned to send here.

Capt. Anderson disclosed the plans for the conference of local civil officials following conferences with Maj. Gen. Thomas H. Barry and Capt. William A. Moffett, local army and navy chiefs.

Program of Conference Secret.

"I am not at liberty to say just what matters are to be taken up at the proposed session." the captain said last night. "It is simply a meeting to which all the local federal, county and city officials having to do with the enforcement of the laws affecting the welfare of sailors and soldiers are to be invited.

"It would be unfair to the officials for me to disclose in advance, or in**ed to suggest, what program may be followed at the conference," he confided.

Asked if Mayor Thompson, who is away from the city, would be present, the captain said: "I called at the city hall to see the mayor today. I did not get to meet him, but his secretary, Mr. Fitzmorris, I understand, will communicate by telegraph with the mayor tonight. I am quite confident that the may will cut short his vacation and be present at the conference, the importance of which to the city has been explained to his secretary."

Capt. Anderson in Charge.

Capt. Moffett stated in the evening that he had not been notified of Secretary Daniels order postponing or calling off the Chicago trip of Lieut. Col. Hatch. The announcement that the naval board of inquiry appoint by Capt. Moffett had quit work was taken to indicate corroboration of the Washington idea that Capt. Anderson was to be in full charge of the Chicago situation in cooperation with Capt. Moffett and Maj. Gen. Barry.

Hinton G. Clabaugh, superintendent of the local bureau of investigation, said Capt. Anderson had been a caller at Mr. Clabaugh’s office during the afternoon. He did not disclose the nature of their conference. Acting Chief of Police John H. Alcock said he had not seen the visiting war department representative.

The acting chief said his reports continued to indicate that Chicago’s vice situation is good. He said he had not received any official notice or evidence in connection with the announcement that investigators for Samuel P. Thrasher, superintendent of the Committee of Fifteen, and for the Juvenile Protective association, had purchased bottled liquor from 102 saloonkeepers in defiance of the order of Mr. Clabaugh directing that dram shop keepers sell only to patrons personally known to them, and after signing a receipt form.

Thinks Order Not Understood.

"I have received no official notice of any sales of liquor by the bottle in defiance of the federal order," the chief said. "I want to say that if Mr. Clabaugh asks for the revocation of any saloonkeepers’ licenses I shall recommend such revocations to the mayor.

"I think some of the saloonkeepers did not understand the federal order regarding the sale of bottled liquor. But with the mayor’s published proclamation, together with the explanation of the order and the proclamation by the captains of police made yesterday, there is no excuse for any liquor dealer to be ignorant of the consequences."

Mr. Clabaugh praised the results in the bottled goods order.

"Considering the fact that the order regulating the sale of bottled liquor is not a statute, but a government order, I think the results attained are excellent. A violation of the order cannot be taken into the courts, like the violation of a statute. I did not expect 100 per cent results from the order, but it is being observed in a manner encouraging the federal officials."

Mr. Clabaugh said he believed illegal sakes had greatly lessened since the issuance of the mayor’s proclamation.


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