Chicago Tribune

Big Bill Defies Lowden.
Pacifists May Meet, He Says; Lochner Quits
Peace Crew Scatter and May Go On Their Way.
Big Bill To Rescue!

Mayor Thompson late last night said that if the pacifist should appeal to him he would give them protection and they could hold their meeting in Chicago, regardless of what the governor ordered.

"I want to know by what right Gov. Lowden is giving orders to the police department of Chicago," the mayor said.

When Chief of Police Herman V. Schuettler, acting under instructions from Gov. Lowden, yesterday ordered the "People’s Council of America for Democracy and Terms of Peace" to move on or suppress their "convention." in the West Side auditorium he incurred the displeasure of William Hale Thompson.

The mayor, at his summer home in Lake Forest last night, was angry over the treatment accorded the itinerant Socialists who had been driven out of Minnesota, North Dakota and Wisconsin, and who had come here hoping to find open arms awaiting them in the "sixth German city of the world."

Displeased with Lowden

Also Mayor Thompson was angry at Gov. Lowden for "interfering" in Chicago’s government and threatened to ask the courts to determine whether the governor had any right to tell the Chicago police department what to do.

The mayor had a third spell of anger when informed that First Deputy Superintendent of Police Westbrook in person had led the raid on the anti-war gathering in the west side hall.

"I’d like to know by what right Westbrook is taking orders from Lowden," he said.

He then promised to go into the matter as soon as he could spare time to revisit the city hall.


Meanwhile the prompt action of Chief Schuettler, following the instructions from Gov. Lowden, to prohibit the anti-war meeting anywhere in Illinois, and the close watch police kept on the wanderers throughout the day, resulted in a general disorganization of the pacifist forces.

One element of the peace crowd congregated at the Fort Dearborn hotel was planning another attempt at a meeting at 10 o’clock this morning. Under the explicit orders of the governor, without counting the possible contingency of direct counter orders from the mayor, the police will see that this proposed meeting is not held.

If there should be an actual attempt to hold it the meeting would be in the nature of a rump convention, for Louis P. Lochner, guiding spirit of the "pacifist protest," threw up the sponge last night and said he was done. He declared he had had four years of a turbulent and heart breaking life in the effort to keep the boys out of the trenches and he now proposed to take to the woods for a solid week of rest.

"We have accomplished out purpose," he said. "We have organized and we are satisfied. We are now disbanding."


In little groups the eastern protesters attempted to get together in hotel rooms and office buildings throughout the afternoon and evening, but they did not accomplish anything, and the council, as a national affair, practically expired at sundown.

Besides the proposed meeting for this morning, individual members of the peace council propose to make as much trouble as they can. One group will hurry on to Washington, D. C. to mix up with the parade of 20,000 men of the new national army from the District of Columbia, which will march on Tuesday with President Wilson and the cabinet at the head.

Telegrams were received from the Washington junta by a few of the "picketing" antis in the itinerant council, urging them to hurry on to the capital to perform picket work when the president leads the national army parade.


A few of the eastern delegates wandered to Grant park late in the afternoon to look over the camp of marines and to take a 10 cent ride on a boat out around the crib. This gave rise to a report in the evening the eastern delegates had chartered a boat, proceeding out beyond the three mile limit, and there, on the bounding high waves of old Lake Michigan, had passed resolutions on the terms of peace and the immediate plan of ending the war.

Miss Eastman and other leaders of the council said they had not heard of such a conference on the high seas and doubted very much if one were held.

About 100 delegates from the far west and northwest will join the Chicago hikers today. They are en route from Minneapolis.

Mr. Lochner talked with them yesterday over the long distance telephone. He told them the convention was at an end, but he would be glad to have them come on to Chicago and get acquainted with the rest of the bunch.

No Evidence Used

The quick action of the authorities here in the suppression of the meeting — without physical violence or undue disturbance — made the pacifists innocuous without the untoward result of arousing public sympathy for them, a result which some of them were said to crave.

At the same time a step was taken by Gov. Lowden, as a wartime measure, was considered significant beyond the mere occasion which provoked it.

It was point out that the governor, acting under the extraordinary powers conferred on him by the recent legislature as head of the state council of defense, has established a precedent which paces the way for placing the Chicago police force under the control of the state government and taking it out of the hands of Mayor Thompson if another emergency arises, especially during the war period.

Big Bill Insists on "Rights."

Mayor Thompson professed not to be perturbed by this aspect of the situation when informed of just what had happened in the city in his absence. He intimated he would still run the police department and that he was not going to stand for the department interfering with "the constitutional rights of any citizen."

Chief Schuettler declared he was through temporizing with "cranks and mental lightweights" and that from now Chicago was not going to be a comfortable place for them to sojourn in.

Several of the local leaders who are backing the government thought that a showdown might come between the mayor and Chief Schuettler in which the chief would have to choose between taking orders from Gov. Lowden in all matters touching on the conduct of the war and the mayor.

Governor Tells Stand.

Gov. Lowden meantime made his position clear in his order to Adjt. Gen. Dickson that such meetings must not take place anywhere in Illinois. In a statement issued in Springfield the governor set forth his reasons for the action which followed an appeal to him by members of the legally constituted state council of defense.

Gov. Lowden said:

"The governor is charged with the responsibility of preserving peace in the state. If, in his judgment, disorder and riot are likely to result from the so-called peace meeting, it is his duty, and he has the power to prevent the meeting. My understanding is that while the meeting purports to be in the interests of peace, it is really intended to obstruct the government in the prosecution of the war in which we are now engaged and is calculated to produce disorder and rioting in Illinois. I will not, therefore, permit this meeting to be held in Illinois."

250 Police in Reserve

Gov. Lowden last night sent his telegraph messages direct to Chief Schuettler, and, while couched in courteous language, they were interpreted as meaning that the governor intends to lean on the chief of the Chicago department in any contingency that may arise. One of the telegrams received from the governor reads:

"Confirming my conversation of this morning asking you to prevent meetings of the so-called People’s Council of America, I am yours,

"Frank O. Lowden, Governor.

After receiving this message Chief Schuettler ordered 250 picked men of the department held in reserve to suppress any attempt of the argonauts to hold a meeting in the city last night.

‘Right to Hold Meeting."

Mayor Thompson’s "comeback" to the governor was along these lines:

"So far as I am concerned as a public official, the constitution of the United States will be enforced in the city of Chicago. No persons will be interfered with by me who conduct themselves in accordance with the law.

"So far as I know these people don’t desire to do anything in violation of the law, and they have a perfect right to hold their meeting.

"Our constitution provides that citizens may meet to discuss public questions. This is a government of, by and for the people, as brout out by Abraham Lincoln. They have a right to meet for discussion in important crises — a right that is not to be curtailed.

"How will congress and the president know what the people want if this is not a government by the people and the people do not have a right to say what they want? If this is not a government by the people then the consititution falls.

Lowden? Courts to decide.

"Lowden’s interference with the police department is a matter for the courts to decide. The American constitution was spoken of by Gladstone as the greatest instrument ever struck from the mind of man. If the representatives of the people are greater than the constitution I don’t think it augurs well for the interests of the people.

The mayor said no one had asked his permission to hold the meeting and he denied the report he had been in conference the night before with some of the leaders of the peace council. He said he saw none of them, nor did he talk with them over the telephone.

Regarding just what he proposed to do with his police department for its action, the may would not say. He intimated, however, he would use his influence as mayor to protect anti-war speakers in the future.

"Go Ahead" Is Order; Chief Does.

Until Gov. Lowden, in response to appeals from the Chicago Association of Commerce, members of the state counsel of defense, and several civic leaders, ordered the Chicago meeting suppressed, Chief Schuettler had intended only to "watch the convention" and see that no unpatriotic action was taken.

Then, when Gov. Lowden’s peremptory order to Adjt. Gen. Dickson reached Chicago, Chief Schuettler got in touch with the governor, who told him to "go ahead."

He went.

First Deputy Westbrook, with a squad of picked men, some in uniform, hurried to the west side hall, where the anti-war formces were endevouring to perfect an organization and get squared away for their convention and the delivery of several speeches.

They were in the midst of perfervid discussion when Westbrook entered the hall and ordered everybody out, in the name of the law and the state of Illinois.

They Decided to Depart

Most of them, headed by Adolph Germer, national secretary of the Socialist party; Crystal Eastman, sister of Max Eastman, editor of The Masses and author of the book "Understanding Germany," and Louis P. Lochner, secretary of the propaganda organization, decided to depart.

Miss Eastman was inclined to ignore the police at first, but presently picked up her handbag and departed.

Mrs. W. I. Thomas, wife of a professor at the University of Chicago, remained silent for a few seconds and then decided to leave.

Seymour Steadman, Socialist candidate for governor of Illinois last year, showed fight. He started to leave, but stopped and refused to budge. He dared the police to arrest him. Others joined him and said they wanted to be arrested.

Westbrook told his men to clear the hall and out went the pacifists — except Stedman. They flocked into Racine avenue and around the corner in Taylor street, their headgear somewhat mussed up and a strange bedlam of tongues arising over the tumult.

Stedman Goes — Finally

Policeman Charles Day of the Maxwell stree station, in uniform, laid his hand rather firmly on Stedman’s arm, with the result that Stedman, sputtering his defiance and saying something about a free country, accompanied the policeman into Racine avenue. There he was released. Westbrook ordered his men not to arrest the disturbers unless they became abusive and violent, as he didn’t care to make martyrs out fo them.

Then they all fixed their hats on straight — the women members of the "convention" — and made a dash for street cares.

The call was sounded:

"To the Fort Dearborn hotel, comrades!"

With another medley of tongues and handbags crammed chock-full of tracts, lectures, literature and resolution, they took up the lonesome trail.

Vot You Dink About It?

Back into the Fort Dearborn hotel in Van Buren street the somewhat motley throng drilled, all greatly excited and puncturing their invectives with many gestures.

"Vot you dink ?" asked one of the eastern delegates excitedly of a young woman from St. Louis who was radiant with excitement and martyrdom.

Before she could answer half a dozen "vot you dinks" were fired at her in confusion, and then word was quietly slipped around that there would be something doing in the hotel.

Stedman, now taking complete charge of the itinerants, rushed for the elevator with instructions to his "army" to await further orders.

The "army" divided up into little knots of three and for and took up positions in the main lobby of the hotel. The cast furtive glances around as they conversed in low tones.

Then all the joy was taken out of life for them for the nonce when the understanding figure of Lieut. Edward Conroy of the First precinct police station, in uniform, entered the hotel and walked straight to the manager’s office.

"These people must not be permitted to hold any meeting of any kind in this hotel, said the lieutenant. "That’s the order from headquarters. Please see that it is obeyed."

"Whither Do We Drift?"

In the meantime, Steadman had hurried to a room up near the top of the building and was in conference with a couple of the "army" commanders.

At the same time a small battalion of the women got into room 305, but forgot to close the transom. They proceeded to hold a tentative convention among themselves, but didn’t get anywhere, as the all compelling question, "Whither do we drift?" overshadowed other matters of great moment.

Adolph Germer, who has been arrested several times by the police for his alleged incendiary utterances, was left on the ground floor to keep his eye peeled for developments.

Then an agent of the Pennsylvania railroad came boldly in, and a tip was out at once that the train was waiting to carry the argonauts to the next resting and temporary place.

"On to Washington," Program

Gormer, despairing of pulling off the "convention" in Chicago, is said to advised taking a train to "somewhere in Indiana," and there being forced to move on again.

It was his notion that eventually, by slow and devious stages, the "army" would land in Washington.

"I want to go to Washington," said Gormer, "and ask President Wilson whether the constitution of the United States and the Wilhelmstrasse idea of scraps of paper are the same thing."

No News for Capitalist Press.

Mrs. W. I. Thomas, her face flush with the excitement of it all, finally came from one of the conference rooms and walked into the lobby.

She was asked by a reporter for THE TRIBUNE to give him a statement regarding what they proposed to do.

"I shall give no information to your or any one else representing the capitalist press," she said. "Of course, you are at liberty to follow us and get what information you can, but I am through giving information to this capitalistic and commercialized press."

Mrs. Thomas has a son who is an attaché of the American embassy in Petrograd.

"What my son does is his own business," she said. "I am living only my own life. I suppose it is all right for him to do his bit for this government in that way if he likes it. I do not interfere with my son. He knows my sentiments. But I shall give no more information to the capitalist press."

Stedman Chosen Chairman.

Before the police dispersed the "disorganauts" at the West Side Auditorium "convention," Stedman had been chosen chairman and Louis P. Lochner secretary. James Maurer of Pennsylvania and J. Harriman of Los Angeles were named vice presidents. Crystal Eastman was authorized to pick an organization committee.

Stedman named a nominating committee, which will in turn select a permanent executive committee," composed of the following:

Dean R. M. Lovett of the University of Chicago; Victor Berger, formerly Socialist congressman from Milwaukee; J. A. Salutsy, New York; Clore, Warne, St. Louis; Sara Bard Field of California and Emily G. Balch, Wellesley college; Florence Stevens, Arden, Del.; L. Maybrick, San Antonio; and Mary Windsor, Philadephia.

Dean Lovett was prominently identified with the first "peace" meeting held by these forces in the Auditorium theater in April.


Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. !. — A telegram, disclaiming active participation in the peace propaganda of the people’s council for America for democracy and peace, was received here today from Dr. David Starr Jordan, president emeritus of Leland Standford university of California, by his sister, Mrs. Mary J. Edwards of this city. The telegram follows:

"I make no criticism of methods or purposes of the people’s council, but have had no directive part in planning conferences nor in great expansion of scope through affiliation with other groups. Moreover, I have repeatedly urged that obstruction gets nowhere and that the only way out is forward, as rapidly as possible, toward a negotiated peace with reasonable guarantees as to permanence.

"I may add that the way is indicated by the new Russia and by the pope. The president has widened the door by disclaiming certain avowed purposes of the allies."

Appeal to Gov. Bournquist

New York, Sept. 1 — The American Alliance for Labor and Democracy today telegraphed another appeal to Gov. Burnquist of Minnesota urging him to permit the People’s Council of America for Democracy and Peace to hold their convention in Minneapolis.

The telegram stated the alliance felt the activities of the council were "opposed to the best interests of America." but maintained "that the right of freedom of speech and peaceful assemblage rise superior to that."


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