Chicago Tribune

W. C. T. U. Members Denounce City Commission and Demand Immediate War Upon Segregation Policy.

Having appealed to Mayor Busse and to Sheriff Strassheim, having denounce in formal resolutions the commission appointed by the mayor at the request of Chicago pastors to investigate the vice problem, Women’s Christian Temperance union members gathered at Willard hall yesterday decided to carry to Gov. Deneen their demand that the segregated vice districts of Chicago be abolished.

This action followed the passage of resolutions objecting to an appropriation by the city council for the work of the vice commission and complaining of the participation in its labors of Health Commissioner Evans.

In a speech in which she suggested that Mayor Busse be impeached for misfeasance in office for failure to enforce the laws against the existence of records, Mrs. Emily Hill, president of the Cook county W. C. T. U., said:

"The vice commission has decided that it will not attempt to exercise any administrative powers, also that it will not interfere in any way with police regulation of vice, also that it will not make any suggestions as to how to remedy the social evil. Then it asked for money. What on earth do they want the money for?"

A delegation from the W. C. T. U. called on the finance committee of the council and protested the appropriation of $5,000 for the vice commission. The appropriation was voted.

A conference to inaugurate a movement for state wide prohibition in Illinois has been called for next Tuesday at the Christian tabernacle in Denver.

The call is sighed by Mary E. Kuhl, president of the Illinois W. C. T. U; Alonzo E. Wilson, chairman of the prohibition state committee; Robert Eaton, master of the state grange; J. C. Brown, president of the Illinois Intercollegiate association; H. R. Puterbaugh, G. C. T. of the Independent Order of Good Templars of Illinois; and O. S. Olander, G. C. T, of the Scandinavian Independent Order of Good Templars of Illinois.


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