Chicago Tribune

Noted Men Gather at Oberlin, O., to Discuss Public Problems

Oberlin, O., Nov. 15 — [Special.] — Many noted men are here to attend the Institute of Christian Sociology. At the opening session Wednesday President Ballantyne delivered the address of welcome, after which was heard a free discussion of the proposed plan of a summer school of Christian sociology in July, 1895. The plan was submitted to a committee; it is believed Oberlin will have such a school. The "Solution of the Social Problem by Evolution" was the theme of the address by Dr. J. H. W. Stuckenberg, Oberlin, Germany, to a large audience this evening. The gist of his talk was: "We are to deal with what is soluble. Personal equality is impossible. Personal freedom is impossible, but law can give better conditions. If horses and dogs are fed sumptuously while women starve and children beg the world will know it and demand a change. A change is imminent. What shall it be. Evolution is the true basis of social action. There must be evolution of individuals and of organizations. Fashionable churches, etc., must go. But the evolution of the State is the greatest thing. What belongs to the public must be managed by the public and not abandoned to individuals for the gratification of selfishness."

Dr. Josiah Strong was the first speaker today. His theme was "Christian Law is Service," in which he argued that Christians and Christian people were absurdly inconsistent when they accepted a part of Christ’s teachings and reject other. While Christ’s applications were local his principles were general and binding. In the afternoon Dr. L. C. Warner and Z. Swift Holbrook of Chicago gave their views from a business standpoint. They emphasized the practical element in sociology. Dr. Washington Gladden delivered the last address of the Institute this evening. His theme was "Religion and Wealth." He raised the question whether wealth is compatible with religion, and argued not only that it is, but that it is the indispensable condition of the highest development of man.


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